What I really love here is the neverending reason to go out and celebrate.

This day, we celebrate Contemporary Art until the break of dawn!

 WOOT!!! WOOT!!!!





hotel de ville
do you see the one written in Tagalog?


Countless galleries, museums, cultural spaces and city halls open their doors to everyone

No entrance fees… All accessible and free!!!


video installation

street theater outside Pompidou


Really Paris, how can I not love you !!!


long queues everywhere


We may not always get what the artists want to say 😀

but bringing art within everyone’s reach is something we all understand  


















































There’s a map of the different places that you can check out but there are also spontaneous performances everywhere. You can either follow the map or you can just follow the crowd…








I really enjoyed this installation on the bridge.

 While crossing the bridge your senses are overwhelmed by music, play of lights and image projections. 



There are still a lot of people and happenings on the street until 4 in the morning.

The energies are high and the vibe is electric,

 wouldn’t mind staying up all night for these!




(means white night or sleepless night)

2 October 2010




Our special guests

Ambassador Rora Tolentino and colleagues from the Philippine Embassy



Now, it is 

Time to ROCK & RULE!!!





(L-R: Plug, Smaela, JK, Pierre, Mighty Maya, Tisba)


My deepest gratitude to all the people that help made {PHOTO¤SYNTHESIS} a success. Aruruteynkyu to friends and family who came to support us. To our Ambassador and special guests from the Embassy, to the wonderful people of Les Lumieres, to Smaela and the musicians I collaborated with and of course to my A 😀


I was very happy with how it all turned out… What I love about this project is the collaboration,  it’s not only about the output but it’s also about the process… I am very interested in how different musicians/artists can give their own interpretation on the subject. The performance was totally different from the one I presented at Cité des Arts but both were truly distinct and interesting.


The handmade single edition photo collages are still on display at Les Lumieres until November 24 so you can still check it out. The artworks are on sale, just contact me at for purchases 🙂



18 Avenue Georges Clemenceau

train ride from Gare du Nord and then short bus ride

The making of {PHOTO¤SYNTHESIS}



I accidentally met Smaela at the reception area of Cité des Arts. After that fateful meeting, I received news from her after seeing my portfolio that they are interested to exhibit my works at Les Lumieres, a cultural art space in Montmorency. We had several meetings and discussions and then  {PHOTO¤SYNTHESIS}  was born…

With Smaela’s help, I was able to meet different musicians for the musical performance … I first met Maya aka Mighty Maya, who was really interested to do this collaboration. He plays the guitar and is into noise effects, which definitely added texture to the whole sound…


Then I visited Nicolas aka Plug at his home studio to listen to his music and compositions. He plays different instruments and played bass for the show.



 He mentioned another musician that he jammed with who was good in improvisation and plays lead guitar, his name was Pierre Soon.



We all met up at Gare du Nord to take a train to Montmorency for our first meeting and rehearsal. It is there where I also met Baptiste aka Tisba who is the artistic director of the space and who also happens to be a musician. Good thing I was able to convince him to play trumpet which gave another dimension to the whole jam.


The musician line-up is complete so it’s now time for the exhibit set-up. I only had a few weeks to put up the show and so we decided to display my past works of handmade photo collages…




with my ever supportive A


My video installation will be shown at the exhibit opening. I  re-edited the piece and added new interviews of Emmanuel Lavaud -France, Michelline Torres – Brazil & Kidlat de Guia – Philippines. I also decided to put  French subtitles on the interviews since it was done in English and made a new credit roll…




We would commute back and forth from Paris to Montmorency to rehearse…


my handmade shaker/percussion (chewing gum & film canister with rice)


Now it’s time to ROCK and RULE!!!



* images of the performance, COMING SOON…

{ PHOTO¤SYNTHESIS } a multi-media exhibit



– Processus de conversion de différentes énergies vers une autre forme d’existence.
– Synthèse d’éléments sous l’effet d’une énergie positive.
– Création d’une harmonie dans la confrontation de plusieurs réalités.

Photo collage et Vidéo montage, projet passé et à venir, accompagné de musique “live” improvisée.

L’artiste Philippine vidéaste et documentariste JAZEL KRISTIN synthétise une vision de ses “univers parallèles” confrontés à certaines vérités universelles sur ce qui nous consomme.



It is funny how I got to do this show, will save that story for next time though but it was a very nice suprise indeed. What’s really funny is just when I was feeling down in the dumps THIS opportunity came along 😀 I am still actually finalizing things for the performance at the exhibit opening BUT I feel it in my bones that it will all turn out just gooooood, just like what life is now 🙂

Donc, I hope you can come to the opening, it’s just 15 minutes away from Paris in a place called Montmorency. You can take the metro and a bus to Les Lumieres, please be there by 7pm for the performance of a lifetime 😀 I promise you, we will all have a blast!!!






AKI KURODA [Cosmogarden New York City] – photographic works and new series of graffiti drawings

HOLGER TRULZSCH [The Brilliance of Loss] – video istallations specially designed for Maison Européene de la Photographie

ANNA and BERNHARD BLUME – a series of Sx70 Polaroids

CYRIL PORCHET –  systematic series of frontal shots of the choirs of ten baroque churches in Germany, Spain and Austria.

PHOTOGRAPHY IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA 1990-2010 [Part of the France-Russia Year 2010] – Contemporary Russian Photography

*** Maison Européene de la Photographie

– a major center for Contemporary Photographic Art

– my favorite gallery

– my dream venue to exhibit 😀