A series of unfortunate events


25 Janvier 2010


My A was still sleeping when I left so I had to drag my heavy luggage by meself. There are no lifts and escalators on my line to Gare du Nord. I made it to the metro after 30-40 minutes of huffing and puffing with my luggage. I really don’t know why it’s so heavy ;p

And then our train had a technical problem, we were asked to move out and wait for another train. Each train that arrived, people were asked to get off and wait. The station was packed and people were getting annoyed. I was afraid that I won’t make it. I called up A to explain the situation, he suggested another route to go to Gare du Nord. He was worried and told me to move my butt quickly.  I huffed, I puffed and dragged my suitcase up and down the stairs. I MADE IT! but not without an interrogation….


Why are you going there? Where will you be staying? How did you meet this person? What’s the exact address of  the house? What do you do in Manila? What were you doing in Paris? How long are you staying?  Can you show me your return flight ticket?  Why is your luggage so heavy? Hehehehe, of course he didn’t ask me the last question.


Looked at my ticket and went to carriage 31 to search for my seat. Wait, there’s already somebody sitting on my seat! I showed her my ticket and it turned out that I was looking at my return ticket, aruruy masbate!!!!!! From carriage 31 I had to run back to carriage 3. It was a long way back and I was the last one to board. Arurukangkaruy!!!!!


A young englishman seated near the door helped me with my luggage and said “Welcome to London” (with an english accent!!!) FINALLY!!!!!! 😀





I arrived at St. Pancras station, bought an oyster ticket (underground pass for 1 week) and had my euros changed to pounds. My yakker friend JayO who arrived before me in London was there to welcome me 😀 We went back to another friend’s apartment to put my stuff and explored the city till the break of dawn ;p




One Sunday Afternoon


24 Janvier 2010


Claude's rest house with the newly constructed gazebo
lovely weekend in normandy (with A, Claude and Primrose)

photo by primrose


I was able to squeeze in one more shoot before we go back to Paris. We had to do it fast so I was grateful that everybody helped me out. Claude provided the set, Primrose became the instant P.A and A was the cinematographer and director. I think Claude had a good laugh watching me/us 😀 Love ’em for supporting my crazy acts and ideas, hehehe.


highway to heaven


After the shoot, it’s time to go back to the city. Saw this beautiful light, I call it Jesus’ light or kukunin-na-ni-lord-light, on the road back to Paris. Nice image to cap off our weekend 🙂

into the woods


23 Janvier 2010







It was funny to see all the ducks facing the same direction (well except for one ;p) 

like they were in a flag ceremony or something…


on mushy ground


wooden sculptures of different kings




(Lyons la foret, Lisors Normandy)